Here are some select quotes from The Will to Power as translated by Walter Kaufmann . As acknowledged in the previous post, cherry-picking is not the best way to approach Nietzsche, his arguments are often far more subtle. But, these give a representation of what his notebooks are like. Kaufmann chose to keep Elizabeth's original four-section organization of the work even though the notes were not originally written this way at all. It does make it easier to reference and discuss the content of the notebooks. For context, I have included the approximate dates when these notes were written. From Book One – European Nihilism Essentially, this section reveals that Nietzsche saw nihilism as an inevitable symptom of our times, a necessary reaction to humanity's need to transition from its old culture and manner of understanding to a new "evaluation" of human experience. “ Our pessimism: the world does not have the value we thought it had....
This blog is intended to be read in reverse order. That is, the most distant entry first. Friedrich Nietzsche offers possibly the best insights on how to posture and express one's life. His life's work was devoted to finding one's "style" within the chaos of existence. The trick, obivously, is not to lose your mind in the process. The title of this blog is explained in the February 29, 2012 post.