Lest we think that Nietzsche was so caught up with Becoming in the Now that he left himself ungrounded, Rudiger Safranski , as usual, offers an insightful but less considered influence during this period. Nietzsche teaches "be truthful to the earth". By this he means that metaphysics has its basis in tangible biology. “The metaphorical style of presentation in Zarathustra only hints at its biological contents. In his notebooks from the period of Zarathustra , Nietzsche was more forthright. He wrote that the 'goal' was the ‘evolution of the entire body and not just the brain’. Overt references to the specifics of the physical evolution of man would have been ill-suited to the pathos of Zarathustra's speeches. Ought Zarathustra to have said something about, for instance, the quantity of hair, musculature, arm length, or head size of the Übermensch ? This would have been unintentionally comical. In matters concerning the physical ap...
This blog is intended to be read in reverse order. That is, the most distant entry first. Friedrich Nietzsche offers possibly the best insights on how to posture and express one's life. His life's work was devoted to finding one's "style" within the chaos of existence. The trick, obivously, is not to lose your mind in the process. The title of this blog is explained in the February 29, 2012 post.